Family Rides
Atomic ScramblerOpened: 1960 as Scrambler
May 6, 2023 as Atomic Scrambler Location: 1960-2022 end of Main Midway 2023-current The Boardwalk Manufacturer: Eli Bridge Company Type: scrambler Riders will spin around on Atomic Scrambler! Atomic Scrambler is a reimagining for the classic Scrambler ride. |
Cadillac CarsOpened: 1958
Manufacturer: Arrow Development Location: Main Midway Type: Antique Cars Take a ride on a Cadillac with the Cadillac Cars! These have been a family favorite since 1959. This ride is located on the Main Midway of Cedar Point! |
CalypsoOpened: May 23, 1970 as Calypso
May 9, 2015 as Tiki Twirl May 6, 2023 as Calypso Manufacturer: Mack Rides Location: 1970-1993 Main Midway 1994-2014 Blue Streak Midway 2015- current The Boardwalk Type: Calypso Calypso is a great spinning ride for families to ride together! This ride has had a history of being relocated and renamed many times! |
Cedar Point and Lake Erie RailroadOpened: 1963
Manufacturer: Cedar Point Location: Back of Park Type: Train Ride All Aboard! The Cedar Point and Lake Erie Railroad is a train ride that will take you around the back half of the park. During the ride you will encounter villages of skeletons! The Cedar Point and Lake Erie Railroad has been a family favorite since 1963! |
DodgemOpened: May 23, 1970
Manufacturer: Soli of Italy Location: 1970-2014 end of Main Midway 2015-current The Boardwalk Type: Bumper Cars Dodgem is a giant bumper car ride! Riders will drive the cars wherever they want to drive them and can bump the other cars! Dodgem opened in 1970 as part of Cedar Point's 100th season! The entire family can ride this ride! |
Giant WheelOpened: 1972
Location: 1972-1999 Frontier Trail 2000- current The Boardwalk Manufacturer: Schwarzkopf Type: ferris wheel Giant Wheel is a massive 145 foot tall Ferris Wheel. When the ride opened in 1972 it was one of the largest Ferris Wheels in an amusement park! |
Lake Erie EaglesOpened: 2014
Location: Gemini Midway Manufacturer: Larson Type: flying skooters Lake Erie Eagles is a classic flying scooters ride. Riders are lifted 28 feet to the air and are spun around in a circle. The ride has a small handle that you can help control what way your eagle flies! |
MatterhornOpened: 1972
Location: 1972-1978 near Space Spiral 1979-1979 near present-day Matterhorn 1980-1984 near Space Spiral 1985-2022 between Sky Ride and Corkscrew 2023- current The Boardwalk Manufacturer: Mack Rides Type: Matterhorn Matterhorn is a spinning ride that tips its cars to the side while it spins. It opened in 1972 on the beach midway near Space Spiral. It was relocated in 1985 to make room for Avalanche Run. In 2023 the ride was relocated back to the midway and placed in front of the new Wild Mouse roller coaster. |
Midway CarouselOpened: 1946
Location: 1946-1993 beside Mill Race 1994-current Main Midway Manufacturer: Daniel Muller Type: Carousel Midway Carousel was built in the year 1912, making it over 100 years old! The Midway Carousel was moved to Cedar Point in 1946 near the current site of Raptor Plaza. In 1994, Midway Carousel was restored, relocated and placed in a new building right inside Cedar Point's front gate! Midway Carousel is Cedar Point's oldest ride and has been at Cedar Point longer then any other ride in Cedar Point history! |
MonsterOpened: 1970
Location: 1970-1986 Million Dollar Midway 1987-current Gemini Midway Manufacturer: Eyerly Aircraft Company Type: Monster Monster spins riders in a circle that goes up, down and around. Monster has been a favorite since it opened in 1970. Originally located where Iron Dragon's break run now stands. Monster was relocated to the Gemini area in 1987. Monster gives its riders a lot of air time! |
Ocean Motion Opened: 1981
Location: 1981-2010 Beach Midway 2011- current Main Midway Manufacturer: Huss Type: Pirate Ship Go sailing through the Cedar Point air on Ocean Motion. Ocean Motion is one fun way to get the family to have a great day. Ocean Motion swings its riders back and forth at heights of up to 65 feet! Ocean Motion is a really good ride for the entire family! |
Sky RideOpened: 1962
Location: Main Midway Manufacturer: Von Roll Type: Sky Ride Sky Ride takes riders up and and over the Main Midway at 92 feet off the ground. It is one fun ride. From the top, riders can get amazing views of Cedar Point and Lake Erie! |
Super HimalayaOpened: 1970
Location: 1970-1974 Million Dollar Midway 1978-1978 Beach Midway next to Matterhorn 1979-1979 current location of Atomic Scrambler next to Matterhorn 1980-1998 Gemini Midway beside Happy Friar 1999- current Gemini Midway beside Corkscrew Manufacturer: Mack Rides Type: Himalaya Spin and laugh on Super Himalaya. Super Himalaya. The entire family will laugh throughout the duration of the ride! |
TroikaOpened: 1976
Location: 1976-2002 Corkscrew Midway 2003- current The Boardwalk Manufacturer: Huss Type: Troika Troika will spin and swoop its riders above the midway. Opening in 1976, Troika was moved to its current location in 2003; by the beach. |
Wave SwingerOpened: 1979
Location: Frontier Town Manufacturer: Zierer Type: Wave Swinger The oldest existing swing ride at Cedar Point can be found in Frontier Town. Wave Swinger swings its riders an astounding 31 feet above the ground! |
Last Updated: 05/13/2023