Haunted Houses
Cedar Point CemeteryOpened: 1997
Location: Inside Disaster Transport Closed: 1999 Cedar Point Cemetery was Cedar Point's first haunted house. The haunted house featured tombstones that were for the rides that were removed from Cedar Point. Eventually they would be relocated to the Main Midway where they still are today. |
DeprivationOpened: 2017
Location: Frontier Town Closed: 2021 Deprivation was a black out house. Could you make your way out of the house without bumping into anything? |
Fearground FreakshowOpened: 2017
Location: Frontier Town Come see the people who run the carnival! They can be some interesting people! |
G.A. Boeckling's Erie EstatesOpened: 2008
Location: Main Midway Closed: 2021 Experience G.A. Boeckling's Erie Estate. Guests can wonder thru the house and see how Cedar Point's early executive lived. The house may just be haunted. |
HexedOpened: 2014
Closed: 2022 Location: The Boardwalk The Witches put a spell on this house! Guests could join the witches and see what was like to live as a witch. |
Magical House on Boo HillOpened: 2002
Relocated: 2008 Location: 2002-2007 Inside Dodgem 2008- Current Blue Streak Midway Magical House on Boo Hill is a kids haunted at. Guests are taken thru the magical house. |
MidnightOpened: 2023
Location: The Boardwalk Mr. Midnight has finally got his own haunted house! You can explore where he lives. You never know what you might see around the next corner. |
Slaughter HouseOpened: 2015
Location: Frontier Trail Slaughter House takes guests thru a meat packing facility. It is a very unsafe factory that has had lots of accidents. Can you make it to the end? |
The Haunting of Erie EstatesOpened: 2022
Location: Main Midway G.A. Boekling's has become haunted! Join the Sandusky Paranormal Society to discover why Erie Estates is haunted! |
Zombie High SchoolOpened: 2013
Location: Main Midway Closed: 2019 Zomebies have taken over the local high school! Guests would walk thru the school and experience what life was like for zombies to go to school! |
Last Updated: 09/18/2023
Photo Credit: Andrew Borgen, Jake Hamons, and Russ Haudan